Privacy & Information Policy
The Judiciary Strikes Back
Patrick Radden Keefe, Slate, 7/24/2006
In shooting down a government claim to the state secrets doctrine, a recent ruling may signal a rejection of the Bush administration’s vision of a wartime executive that can govern unchecked.
Can Network Theory Thwart Terrorists?
Patrick Radden Keefe, New York Times, 3/13/2006
Examining a new conceptual paradigm that is changing how America’s spies pursue terrorists: network theory.
Orwell Would Be Proud
Patrick Radden Keefe, The Century Foundation, 3/9/2006
The most Orwellian aspect of the NSA scandal is turning out not to be the surveillance, but the abundance of doublespeak.
Federal Secrecy After September 11 and the Future of the Information Society
Various Authors, I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 3/1/2006
Leading scholars consider how, five years later, the terrorist attack has impacted government secrecy, privacy policy, democratic discourse, and the use of technology.
The Spy Who Bills Us
Patrick Radden Keefe, The Century Foundation, 2/23/2006
The NSA would not have been able to conduct its controversial domestic eavesdropping operation without the intimate—and likely illegal—cooperation of private telecommunications providers.
A Little Knowledge: Privacy, Security, and Public Information after September 11
Peter M. Shane, John Podesta, Richard C. Leone, The Century Foundation, 6/25/2004
A new collection of essays asks critical questions about technology, public knowledge, and information policy in light of the September 11 attacks and their aftermath.
The Anthrax Attacks
Patricia Thomas, The Century Foundation, 6/1/2003
Explores the roles, decisions, and actions of the government, press, and public during the anthrax crisis of late 2001.
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Media, Charity and Philanthropy in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001
Paula DiPerna, The Century Foundation, 1/1/2003
Paula DiPerna provides a groundbreaking and important study of the interaction between catastrophe, charity, the media, and public opinion.