The Homeland Security Project’s working group on bioterrorism preparedness is supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.Breathing Easier? The Report of The Century Foundation Working Group on Bioterrorism Preparedness
Leif Wellington Haase, The Century Foundation, 1/13/2005
After spending almost $3 billion to date on public health preparedness, how much better prepared are we for a terrorist attack?
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The Bush Budget and Bioterrorism
Leif Wellington Haase, The Century Foundation, 2/6/2004
While the high-tech responses to domestic bioterrorism threats detailed in President Bush’s FY2005 budget proposal may be laudable, they must not be undertaken at the neglect of more fundamental public health goods.
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Public Health Preparedness at a Price
Bernard J. Turnock, The Century Foundation, 1/29/2004
Are increased bioterrorism preparedness dollars from the federal government making us safer or improving public health? Bernard Turnock tracks the impact of federal funding in Illinois since the anthrax attacks of 2001.
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Progress and Peril
Elin Gursky, The Century Foundation, 1/29/2004
Are increased bioterrorism preparedness dollars from the federal government making us safer or improving public health? Elin Gursky tracks the impact of federal funding in the states since the anthrax attacks of 2001.
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The Anthrax Attacks
Patricia Thomas, The Century Foundation, 6/1/2003
Explores the roles, decisions, and actions of the government, press, and public during the anthrax crisis of late 2001.